October 26, 2011

Marilyn Monroe's palm reading

Marilyn Monroe, she was and still is the ultimate celebrity. I've been a huge fan of Marilyn's since I was a teenager, and I've probably read several dozen biographies about her life, but this blog really is the first chance I've had to read her palm.

Marilyn was a Water hand... which is a "gimme" for a palmist. The public knew of all the classic traits of the Water hand in Marilyn's persona, both the good and the bad. She was known to be extremely compassionate, to the point of empathic abilities even, able to sense and directly experience emotions from others as well as herself. Like a current of water, Water handed people are swept away by the emotional currents of their lives, navigating between those high and low extremes easily, but in a way that can baffle others who are also along for the wild "log ride" of their relationship.

Not to be overlooked is the Water hand's intellectual side, much like their palmistry cousins, the Air hands. Both hand types feature long fingers, and the taper of Marilyn's fingertips shows her ability to hold on to tiny details in her mind. This flies in the face of her reputation of forgetting her lines when on set, and yet, for Marilyn she would remember tiny details of a chance encounter that occured many years before... this was how the ability manifested for Marilyn. She also was reportedly a regular reader of literature, although when she told the press she would love to play Grushenka in a stage rendition of The Brothers Karamazov, she was ridiculed.

Her dropped pinkie shows us Marilyn was a romantic at heart, an idealist, and like so many with ideals, they often find themselves discouraged by the harshness of reality. She certainly felt no guilt when indulging herself, whether in desserts, champagne or jewelry, Marilyn believed in revelling in the bountiful side of life whenever possible, and as such, the tendency could have played into her later addictions. Of all the hand types, Water hands most often fall victim to the plague of an addiction, most often as a means of gaining quietude amongst their multitudinous emotional inputs.

She was far more inclined to use logic over will power when negotiating, although if anyone would have learned how to use her charms as a means of getting her way? It would have been Marilyn Monroe, the penultimate diva... but she never saw this as a strength within herself. She wanted to be logical, although the world rarely treated as such in return.

Marilyn has a very old fashioned mark of intuition, slashing across the mount of Luna and one I associate most often with Cheiro, the Victorian palmist. This mark often shows a personality who has a natural ability or connection to her intuitiveness, but in a way that is very instinctual and less studied, nor regularly practiced and cultivated.

However, what I find most interesting about her palm lines are how much they seem to refute the legend of Marilyn Monroe. Her joined Head and Life line show a personality who was not impulsive by nature, which goes against decades of bad press about Marilyn showing up late, or not at all, for filming. Her Heart lines reaches her fingers, showing someone who connects easily with others, and not someone who was distant and cold in relationships, as others have later claimed of her. Her Head line is only slightly on the long side, showing a dreamy personality, but shows no indications of a depressive mindset, as Marilyn has since been labeled. If there is a lesson to be learned by a future palm reader, it is to remember palmistry most accurately reflects the personality's perception of his or herself, and not necessarily the persona they portray themselves to be to others.

Marilyn also had what appears to be a strong fork on her Heart line as well, indicating she had a natural compassionate ability that could have been used to help mentor others, especially those who would have looked up to her, such as young children. Marilyn's rapport with children, as a woman who was forced to abort many children early in her career and then unable to conceive later in her marriages, was well documented.

It was my sister who found the photos of Marilyn at the palmist which I added to this blog's design, not because it's a decent palm shot (because it sucks for palm reading) but instead because its photographic content so beautifully marries together the concept of palm reading and celebrity. We miss you, Marilyn.

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